Please subscribe to follow our journey from the loss of our twins due to prematurity to a healthy baby! Thank you for joining us on this bumpy ride, we're glad to have you here! Welcome!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Kitties with Chicken and Fish
Photo Source~~Google Images
Hi everyone!'s been an eventful week here at home. About a week ago, we adopted two of the cutest kitties ever! One, the girl, is white with a little grey-ish streak on the top of her head and the other, a boy, is solid black. We tried to adopt another kitty earlier in May but that fell through so we got these little angels from a friend.
The first day/evening with us, Diva and Zodiac spent a good part of the time exploring the house and figuring out where things are. As the night approached, we got them to come out with us and gave them lots of kitty cookies. They rewarded us of course, by keeping us up ALL night playing. lol We didn't mind. I cuddled and played with them, gave them cookies and gave them some toys.
That next day was fairly mellow. Zodiac got up on our bed and had his little paws stretched out on my pillow, his lower half tucked under the blanket. He's made himself comfy. Diva, on the other hand, wasn't so social at first. We had to the block every room but the living and our bedroom off because she crawled behind the water heater, then tried the stove and was making me nervous, then she went under the fridge. That was the end of that and I proclaimed it was time to block it off. She didn't spend long out with us though. She would come out periodically and just meow insanely for a second, we'd 'rescue' her from the awful, terrible floor, put her on the bed with us, then she'd jump off and go hide again. lol About 1pm, we realized we hadn't seen them for about an hour, hour and a half and searched the house exhaustively for them but couldn't find them anywhere. As George told me that they must've gotten out somehow, I denied that there was any way for them to get out, sat at my computer and realized that I was trying not cry. :( After George noticed this, he got back up to search again. After a few minutes, George came back with happy, sleepy kitties in hand. It seemed that Diva and Zodiac decided they were SO comfy that they would like to nap in a box propped up against the wall where I make the items for Knotty Wicks (
That night, same tale. When they finally calmed down for what was left of the night, they slept between our pillows.
Source~~Google Images
The third day with us, they were settled in just like family. Now, they REALLY got rowdy! ;) They would eat themselves silly between the kitty food and kitty cookies then sleep most of the day. At night though....that was a different story. lol Once the lights go out in the house for the night, it is KITTY P-A-R-T-Y TIME! We try to get them to calm down for the night by cuddling but that doesn't always work. We all enjoy the cuddle time just the same. Yesterday, as I was working at my laptop, Diva climbed up on to my shoulder and watched the screen as I typed. I looked at her, smiled and leaned over just slightly so she wouldn't fall off. ;)
So, we've settled into our new role as kitty parents and are used to the miniature yet vocal meows to let us know it's time to eat, time to get in our laps, time to get on a bed, time whatever THEY want. ;)
Today, we gave them a little bit of fish. Then, after dinner, George picked a little bit of chicken breast off of his dinner and hand fed it to Diva and Zodiac. We often give them kitty cookies from our hands but Diva seems to think my fingers look like kitty cookies so we have started putting it down for them. They LOVED both the fish and chicken. They also seem to like the smell of pickles as they meow uncontrollably if one of us is eating a pickle. lol
Yes, we admit that our kitties are spoiled silly but we wouldn't have it any other way. <3 <3
So long for now!
Friday, June 21, 2013
It's a PARTY!!!
Photo Source~~ Don Johnston
Hi friends!! We are going to have a party!! We are going to have a Lia Sophia party on July 5th and the proceeds are being donated to Knotty Wicks Candles / The Cantrell Family Fundraiser to help us fund our surgery for a healthy baby after the still birth of our twins! A very lovely lady has reached out to us and offered to donate sales from her jewelry party to us to help us reach our goals!! There is something everyone can afford in this wonderful jewelry line! In addition, for our party, a special will be offered! Buy One, Get TWO HALF OFF! If you would like to attend this party, or would like to order, please message us or comment here! Thank you VERY much! Khrysti and George
Thursday, June 20, 2013
New video for Knotty Wicks Candles and The Cantrell Family Fundraiser!! ;) SPLISH SPLASH!!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
A Video George Made for Me about Our Babies to Share with All of You!
A video George made for share with all of you! ♥
****The video DOES contain photos of our angels after they were born sleeping. ****
The Train from Vienna to Venice
Source for photo~~
A few people have told me just to give up on having a baby, that it's not meant to be, that God doesn't want us to be parents. At times, it's REALLY hard not to throw my hands up and give in. Anyway, I was watching a movie and one line from the whole movie stood out. The part I'm talking about is where a man who lives in Italy tells a woman having a VERY hard time adjusting to her new life that citizens of Italy once built a train track from Vienna to Venice before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. The point is that they built the tracks because they KNEW a train would eventually make that trip. Even though some days are super hard and we lose hope, I won't give up yet. We are going to believe that it WILL happen.
I worry myself sick over whether we will be able to save for this surgery before I enter menopause. I have my days where I wonder if these mean spirited people have a point. Some days, its REALLY hard not to get angry and just say screw it all. I think we want this so badly, it starts to take over a little. Today was a quiet day around here. I tried to smile and look happy but inside, I wanted to cry.
I know that we are good people, we try to help others as much as we can. We donate TIME, money, love, hugs and prayers to anyone who needs, wants or asks for it. I'm truly trying not to be bitter and give up. I do have some WONDERFUL friends who always try to pick me up when I'm down or tell me that the people telling us to just quit are wrong. I LOVE these friends of mine and I would be a mess without them some days.
For now, I will try to keep my chin up, take ONE step at a time and remind myself how we got here in the first place and what we really want. We just need hope, faith and prayers to get us through.
If you would like to help us EARN the funds we need for the surgery, we have a TON of items here for men, women, children and even pets that I custom make per order and the proceeds are deposited to our surgical fund. :)
So long for now,
Friday, June 14, 2013
Flames Lead to Heroes!
~~As of right now, the source for this photo is unknown.
Hi everyone!
It has been a hectic week here! We live in Colorado...not far from Royal Gorge and just South of Colorado Springs. On Tuesday, I saw a Facebook post about the Royal Gorge fire. I thought, "As in the bridge??". Long story short, I walked outside, near my neighbors house and this is what I saw:
~~Source: Khrysti Cantrell, the home in the photo belongs to our neighbor.
The fire, at that time, about an hour after being reported, had already taken down about 80-100 acres with ZERO containment. We watched and stressed and shared as the fire spread, striking down nearly everything in it's path. We prepared some things in case we had to evacuate. The wind kept blowing stronger and making us seriously worry for everyone's safety here. Less than 15 blocks away, they evacuated one of our local prisons to ensure it could be done in a calm, orderly fashion and they didn't have to rush. About 20 minutes after coming home from a trip to the store, I walked back outside and the air was filled with smoke and raining ash.
We watched as THOUSANDS of acres were burned, many people and animals were evacuated from their homes and, further still, some people completely lost their homes. We thought, many times over, that we would have to evacuate but did our best to help with the Fire Fighters, animal relocation, food needed for those animals and more. I was really moved by how two communities came together to help one another. People from all over the world, friends of mine, consistently sent messages, texts, posts on Facebook asking if we were okay, had what we needed or had a place to go.
There were days I was really worried about the winds blowing the fire here and making us evac. The one thing that remained constant for me was that I planned to take things we couldn't replace, like photos, things made for my children, etc. and leave the rest behind. In my mind, EVERYTHING else could be replaced. If we have the pics and trinkets we valued most and left with our lives and health in tact, we were ahead of this fire and we would beat it.
The first night, we walked a total of ABOUT 30 blocks in the smoke and ash to make sure a friend's ill Mom was okay because she couldn't be reached by phone. The streets were empty, most street lights weren't on. It was an eerie feeling throughout our entire town. Over the next few days, we coordinated as much as possible with ANYONE who wanted to help. We managed to get Hay to horses who were evacuated, food and drinks to Fire Fighters and food/other care items for small animals evacuated because of the fires. <3
The fires are not out yet BUT we are at 30% containment in Colorado Springs and 40% containment in Royal Gorge. Many structures we lost but most everyone is safe!! Colorado Springs has lost about 10,000 acres. We (Royal Gorge) lost approximately 3,100 acres. We did, sadly, find the remains of two folks among the debris from the fires and their remains are being identified to notify family. Their demise is being investigated but is suspected to be as a result of the fire. May they Rest in Paradise. <3 <3 We send our love and prayers to their family and friends! <3
I must say, our Fire Fighters did a TREMENDOUS job of keeping all of us safe and tried to save as many structures as possible! No words could express how grateful we are for them, their commitment and diligence. We truly appreciate them more than we can express. Some people say that our little tourist town is now ruined and some are worried about our local economy now. We WILL rebuild and we have a LOT to offer the public/tourists in the mean time. We are NOT ruined and we will rise to help our little town recover, just as we did to help those affected. It is true that "Community Doesn't Burn Down"!!
~~Source: This photo was seen posted on one of our local highways. No one is sure who put it there!
So long for now!
Monday, June 10, 2013
For those of you asking

The Bright Yellow Savior and the Hope to Carry On.

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Sometimes, you have to smile through your tears and remember why you've held on this long
At times, I feel like I'm fighting a battle I can't win. I just want to throw my hands up and surrender. Then I remember how badly I want to hold our baby, hear him or her giggling and cooing, have toys everywhere and too much baby laundry to do. I'm sure my dreams aren't a tenth of how wonderful that would be. I won't give up. No matter how many tears fall, how discouraged we may feel or how many times my heart breaks, I will NOT give up on our babies! We can do this. We WILL do this! Patience, will and prayer is what I really need right now. <3
Friday, June 7, 2013
Our New Youtube Channel~~ *PHOTOS*
Hi everyone! We created a Youtube Channel! Please bear with us as we figure out how to create new videos! ;) Some day, we truly hope to share videos of our babies with all of you! <3
You can subscribe here:
You can also find our site here:
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Would you like to help us have a healthy, happy baby while getting cool gifts for Father's Day?


Some Day......

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