Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's been a long time.

Hi friends! I know it has been quite a while since I posted my last blog entry. I apologize for that. Life has been quite hectic around here and we were taking some time to think about our goals. ;) We decided to revise a few of them a little bit and found ways to help us reach our goal to a healthy baby a little more quickly. In that time, a lot has happened. Our kittens are almost four months old, I've decided to take a position to work from home, we've decided to change our diets a little. I learned that one of my step-sons (from my ex) has a new family of his own, several friends have announced new babies on the way, a few friends have suffered losses, of their parents, other loved ones and pregnancies. It has been eventful, fun, strange, exciting and heartbreaking all rolled into one. No matter how many sad and disappointing things may happen in our lives, we have proof that it won't be that way forever. We have proof that there is a reason to have hope.
Source for photo and quote: During the last two months or so, I also lost my faith a little, decided I was going to give up then found a renewed sense of hope. I'm anxious for the next chapter. We are planning for a lot of wonderful new things in our lives. I've come to accept that no matter how much I want to, there are just certain things I have no control over and I have to let God lead the way. That is hard for someone like me. Someone who is a bit OCD, a little Type A and isn't very patient where certain things are concerned. lol I decided that tonight was a good time to write as the rain parades down the sun-lightened wooden pickets of our backyard fence. The fresh smell comforts in a way and washes away some things to allow the chance for a fresh perspective. Each new rain, just like each new day, is a chance to start over, make new plans. An opportunity to find appreciation for things we might have taken for granted and accept that life follows the path it is meant to. Today is a special reminder of those things. It is September 11, 2013. Twelve years ago today, I was in an executive suites hotel because we were having new carpet installed in our entire home. I was very happily pregnant and sleeping when my ex woke me up to tell me about the Twin Towers. My first thought was that it was a had to be. We were just in NY at the end of April visiting some of my family who still live there and everything was fine. As I heard the news in the background, I sat up, looked at the t.v. and watched as the second tower was hit. I was filled with disbelief, sadness and horror that such an accident could be happening right before our eyes. This was about 9:45-10:00am NY time and little was known at that point. I watched the news all day while at work, tried to call my relatives there and prayed they'd answer. The phone lines were busy every time we tried.
I did finally reach my family back home and everyone was ok. There were a few friends of theirs they were waiting to hear from. Those calls were mixed with both happiness and sorrow. As the hours turned to days, days to weeks and weeks to months, we all got back to our lives. I watched on t.v. and heard stories from my family of complete strangers coming together to support one another, offer comfort and rebuild. Though I was many, many miles away, I was touched by their strength, determination and compassion for one another. Today was a day in history that we won't ever forget, we will miss those we lost but we are also reminded of how important it is to band together and help others, even strangers. For that, I'm thankful! That's all for now folks but I'll be back tomorrow. I wish all of you comfort, a place to call home, that you are thankful for what you've got and that you are surrounded by people you love. So long, farewell for now, friends! Khrysti

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